Provider CLI


    cargo install --git pw-miner-cli


  1. Benchmark your provider.

    Estimate the hashrate of your hardware by running a short PoW benchmark:

    pw-miner-cli benchmark -vv
  2. Create the config file.

    Create a local toml file. Use provider-config.toml as a starting point and adjust it where necessary:

    curl -O

    Set the hashrate to the average hashrate found in the benchmark above.

  3. Fine-tune the configuration

    The automine config fields determine under which conditions the provider will start mining a Client Ask:

    t_max_millis = 30_000
    p_min = 0.75
    hashrate = 400_000
    baseline_price = 100

    t_max_millis sets the upper bound for how long you are willing to mine for any solution. If a Client Ask specifies a difficulty that, given your local hashrate, would need more time than this on average, that Ask will be ignored.

    p_min is the minimum probability that you will find a solution for a specific Ask in a specific timeframe, given your current hashrate. If a Client Ask has a target difficulty and a timeframe where, given your hashrate, it's less likely than p_min to find a solution within the given timeframe, that Ask will not be automined.

    hashrate is your local hashrate, as measured in the benchmark above. All CPU cores but one will be used during mining.

    baseline_price is minimum amount of sats per second of mining you are willing to accept. A client's Ask will include the target difficulty, which will indicate how many attempts are required, on average, to find a solution. Divided by your hashrate, this will give the expected mining duration for that Ask. This expected mining duration multiplied by the baseline_price will set your price floor for that difficulty level. If the Ask offers an amount below this, it will not be automined.

    Fine-tune these parameters and use

    pw-miner-cli config your-provider-config.toml

    to see the resulting automine thresholds. Adjust the config and re-run the command until these thresholds are acceptable.


To start listening for client requests and auto-mine them:

pw-miner-cli automine your-provider-config.toml

Example: Mine local event

You will need

  • openssl to create a secret key
  • nostril to create Nostr events
  • pw-miner-cli to mine PoW locally
// 1. Create a new event with Nostril
sk=$(openssl rand -hex 32)
content="Hello world"

initial_event=$(nostril --sec "${sk}" --content "${content}")
echo "Starting with event: ${initial_event}"

// 2. Mine
reconstructed_event=$(pw-miner-cli mine -d "${difficulty}" "${initial_event}")
echo "Reconstructed event with PoW (unsigned): ${reconstructed_event}"

// 3. Sign the event with Nostril
created_at=$(echo "${reconstructed_event}" | jq '.created_at')
tags=$(echo "${reconstructed_event}" | jq -c '.tags')

nostril --sec "${sk}" --content "${content}" --tags "${tags}" --created-at "${created_at}"